The manufacturing system manages the process and is broken down into Orders, production Schedule, Production Records, Dispatch. Because ExoMake is completely integrated into MYOB Exo there is no double up on data entry. Orders are taken directly from MYOB Exo and are scheduled based on dispatch date. This enables ExoMake to provide stock requirements, production is then scheduled, production records are entered after production is complete and dispatch confirms QA testing and finalizes transactions before dispatch.
The ExoMake methodology is ‘many people are responsible for specific parts of the system’ allowing a large complex process to be broken up into many simplistic manageable parts.
Orders (Customer Orders by Dispatch Date)
The manufacturing system takes purchase orders from MYOB Exo and allows you to schedule orders based on Dispatch Date, this function shows unprocessed and processed orders, when processing is complete the system works out estimated production hours buy department, Total Raw Materials required for manufacturing and Assigns order to ship and displays if orders are confirmed or estimates.
The following is a snippet of one of the reports generated by ExoMake displaying orders by Dispatch Date
The following is a snippet of one of the Ingredient reports generated by ExoMake
Production Schedule (Weekly Production Plan by Department)
The production Schedule allows product orders to be scheduled in production using available departments, staff and resources, when entering in product lines the number of cartons required, ExoMake automatically calculates required mixes, Estimated Waste, number of hours and finish time based on Historical information available in the system. ExoMake users the information below to calculate start and finish times for each product lines, it also changes start and finish times on the fly whenever changes are made.
The production schedule displays production based on filters of Department and Weekending
Below shows part of the schedule tab each line represents a production run.
Each schedule line also has a status and schedule ID,
The status displays the status of the specific production run. These are determined by ExoMake Conditions
The schedule Number is used to display MYOB Stock and GL Transactions as production is entered
Below a weekly production plan
The production section is used by production staff to enter in actual production details based on the production plan. The staff enter in Actual number of mixes produced, Actual cartons produced and other information relating to the production run.
Production records are entered via a wizard as below
Product details are calculated and displayed in a summary form, By clicking Waste Report a full detailed display of waste and production information is opened.
Staff also enter Ingredient Adjustments as ExoMake works on a bill of materials system if the bill of materials Is adjusted during production adjustments must be entered to ensure correct Stock, production figures are calculated.
Below is the Ingredient Adjustment Form
ExoMake also tracks Batch Code Details these details are used for tracking batch codes to production dates and are used in the dispatch section to confirm production figures
Once production records are entered and Raw Materials adjustments posted the production line is locked and cannot be changed as MYOB Exo ingredient transactions have been created. The line goes gray when locked. There are other colours indicating different status red for example indicates a difference between production and dispatch carton quantities.
ExoMake generates waste reports based on criteria like Department, Date Range, Product Name, Product Code. Below you will find an example of a waste report.
The dispatch section is used by dispatch to enter actual Cartons/Units received. And various other information
ExoMake checks all figures comparing Produced, received, shipped, holding and calculates and wastage.
ExoMake also tracks Batch Code Details these details are used for tracking batch codes to production dates Dispatch enter QTY in the dispatch column and ExoMake indicates where this is different to production figure.
The ExoMake QA Section allows production runs to be put on hold. If a production run is on hold when submit is clicked finished product is put into a warehouse location for product on hold.
When Dispatch submit the record ExoMake creates the final GL and Stock transactions in MYOB Exo. This process cannot be reversed and the dispatch carton totals are the final totals entered into MYOB Exo Stock.
ExoMake Resulting Overhead and stock transactions
ExoMake Resulting GL transactions
The reports section displays various system reports which use historical and future system data.
It also has a production review form which is used to display production records based on criteria.
ExoMake calculates production totals based on the selected records and displays this information at the bottom of the above form.